Saturday, August 31, 2019

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence

Flake's use of the pastoral in Songs of Innocence and Experience Put simply, Flake's Songs of Innocence and Experience Juxtapose the innocent pastoral world of childhood against an adult world of corruption and repression. The collection as a whole, by meaner of paired poems in Innocence and Experience (The Lamb, The Tiger; The Echoing Green, The Garden of Love/London; The Nurse's Song (l and E); Introduction (l and E); The Chimney sweeper (l and E), etc) explores the value and limitations of two different perspectives of the world. The same situation or problem is seen through the eyes or perspective of Innocence first, then Experience.Blake stands outside Innocence and Experience, in a distanced position from which he recognizes and attempts to correct the fallacies of both perspectives. He uses the pastoral, in many songs, to attack oppressive and destructive authority (Church, King, parent's, adult figures), restrictive morality, sexual repression, established religion – t he Established Church, social inequality, militarism. The pastoral is a literary style that presents an idealism and artificial picture of rural life, the naturalness and innocence of which is seen in contrast with the corruption and artificiality of city and court.The pastoral is often seen as a nostalgic looking back at a lost paradise, a lost Eden, a lost Golden Age. However, Blake does something different with the pastoral. Firstly, he rejects the nostalgia of the ideal in order to show the real human condition. He does this by opposing pastoral ideal and urban reality both within the single states of Innocence and Experience and between the two states. (For example – ‘Introduction' of Innocence, ‘The Shepherd'). Secondly, he radically redefines the relation of the pastoral to the city because the Songs as a volume could be said to take place in the city.Blake frames the obviously pastoral scenes within an urban setting in a way that breaks down the convention al city/ country dichotomy – and his criticism is aimed at not merely social problems, but the source of these problems – a limited way of seeing. Within Innocence, Blake takes us into the frame, or confinement of the pastoral space and explores inner tensions, exposing and attacking social problems. For example, in ‘The Little Girl Lost' of Innocence, the pastoral setting is that of ‘a desert wild' that becomes ‘a garden mild'.The reference is the biblical image in Isaiah 35 of an ideal mime in which the ‘desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose'. Lacy, the innocent child, lives ‘In the southern clime'/Where the summer's prime/Never fades away (distinctly pastoral! ). She ‘had wandered oleomargarine the wild birds' song. Blake brings in a contrast between Local's trust and her parent's' fear (that she is lost and will come to harm). For Lacy, there is no cause for distress, except consideration of her mother's feelings (if my m other sleeplessly shall not weep').The other side of the conflict is the parent's' fear and concern: As far as they are concerned, there is nowhere safe; (Where can Lacy sleep? . Their concern becomes more and more self- centered, until it becomes emotional blackmail (oho can Lacy sleep,/elf her mother weep? ). A moral prescription is then introduced – Lacy ought to be worried – and we notice that this is Justified only by the mother's distress, not by any real danger. By meaner of the command, ‘Then let Lacy wake', Blake shows how fear turns into tyranny. The parent's' fear of nature has made them unreasonable – They command their daughter to be unhappy, simply because they are.Stanza 8 resolves the conflict as Local's surroundings become transformed – the desert is ‘bright'. Local's positive perception dominates the rest of the poem – The imperative, ‘Let' in the line, ‘Let thy moon arise', underlines her opposition to her parent's. The pivotal word, ‘bright' stands between Local's and her parent's' attitudes to nature (for the parent's, it is a dark, unknown world of fear; for Lacy, it is safe and bright. ) The lion licks Local's bosom and the lioness ‘Loosed her slender dress'. The dress is a symbol of her parent's' upbringing, which Local's perception can cast off.She is naked, so shame is removed (a reference to Adam and Eve's nakedness in the Garden of Eden). In the ext poem, ‘The Little Girl Found', the lion's masculinity, his mane, was what frightened the parent's (soon his heavy man/Bore them to the ground'). So, the poem conveys the need for sexual freedom, natural energy, sexual energy, feared by Local's parent's. (In ‘The Little Girl Found', the parent's' perception of the lion as fearful is transformed -then they followed/Where the vision led'- by meaner of transforming their vision, their perspective, the parent's' fear disappears (nor fear the wolfish howl,/Nor t he lion's growl').Within the pastoral frame of the Garden of Eden, Blake explores inner tensions, exposing and attacking social problems. (In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, which Blake wrote between the two parts of the Songs, he stresses that man's instincts are not fallen (sinful from the moment of birth) and therefore to follow the instinctive desire for love and pleasure cannot be wrong: The soul of sweet delight can never be defiled. On the contrary, it is the thwarting of desire that leads to corruption and a warping of the personality: Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse enacted desires.The conventional goodness of Flake's time, therefore, is Just a passive failure o act out desire and is not something to be admired, unlike evil which is evidence of positive energy:. Good is the passive that obeys reason. Evil is the active springing from energy and Energy is eternal delight. So, in the volume of Songs of Innocence and Experience, the tensions, oppositions or c onflicts are within the frames of a song, as well as between the two contrary worlds of Innocence and Experience.The Songs not only Juxtapose pastoral ideal with urban reality (echoing Greenwood's'; ‘Echoing Green/'The Garden of Love'), but within the single state of Innocence, pastoral images are Juxtaposed with a flawed urban society. The oppositions also exist within the single states of Innocence and Experience. The Songs of Innocence begins with a clearly pastoral ‘Introduction' followed by ‘The Shepherd', ‘The Echoing Green' and, of course, ‘The Lamb'(in Flake's final order of the Songs). These songs show pastoral harmony between humans and nature.However, we are led out of (or in and out of, depending on the order of Songs), pastoral and into a disturbing world of social difference and injustice through such lyrics as ‘The Little Black Boy, ‘The Chimney Sweeper'(l). Yet even these songs eave a pastoral element. Tom Decree, in ‘T he Chimney Sweeper', is identified with the lamb of pastoral and of innocence through his hair, That curled like a lamb's back. The black boys mother describes his body as a ‘shady grove' that enables the soul to bear the beams of love', identifying the time on earth as a ‘little space', akin to a pastoral retreat, rather than a time of preparation labor.The pastoral narratives in both poems seek to free the boys from the stigma of their blackness, but ironically that freedom, in the form of a pastoral paradise, is attainable only after death. In ‘The Chimney Sweeper'(l), an angel ‘opened the coffins and set them all free. /Then down a green plain leaping, laughing they run,/And wash in a river and shine in the sun'. In ‘The Little Black Boy, God's voice will call: ‘Come out from the grove my love and care,] And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice'.Only in death will the white boy be taught to reject his ignorant racist views: ‘And then I'll stand and stroke his silver hair/And be like him, and he will then love me'. So, Blake uses the pastoral to attack social evils and injustice, but also exposes the limits and inadequacies of the pastoral ideal. He transcends the pastoral to show the limits of pastoral innocence; to criticism the human condition; and to show a new vision. He does this by rejecting the nostalgia of the ideal to show the real condition – by opposing the pastoral ideal with urban reality.The dual presence of town and country, idealization and realism, celebration and regret provides the tension that is fundamental to the pastoral space. The pastoral's critical function is based upon the writer's handling of internal tensions between oppositions. Flake's objective in Songs of Innocence and Experience is to show the wow contrary states of the human soul'. He shows that we create our worlds by meaner of our perception of it. (Milton: ‘A mind is its own place, and in itself/Can make a Heav en of Hell, a Hell of Heaven' Paradise Lost).Our world is ‘Innocent' – loving, meek and mild, delightful, protected, gentle – if we perceive its creator as loving, caring and protective. But there are limits to this vision; we are vulnerable because we are ignorant of the dangers and threats that exist. The world of Experience is one that is dark, authoritative, oppressive, uncaring and repressive of enjoyment. We see ourselves imprisoned in this despair if we perceive its creator as oppressive, cruel, punitive and Judgmental – and if we perceive ourselves as imprisoned in Original Sin.The two worlds opposed are those of childhood innocence and adult experience. He uses iconic pastoral images (piper and muse, shepherds, rural idyll, innocence of childhood, the Garden of Eden, gardens and greens, lambs, pathetic fallacy) and pastoral states (harmony, Joy, protection, care, love) and opposes these to urban images and states of adult authority and cruelty, st ate and church repression and authority, dishonest and destructive emotions.Blake sets up oppositions, in the frames of the poems (as artistic creations) between Innocence and Experience and within Innocence and Experience. Blake provides (in Songs of Innocence) pastoral images, but shows the limits of pastoral innocence. In Songs of Experience, he writes in anti-pastoral mode and uses pastoral images to show the destruction of innocence, as well as ways to regain innocence in a vision of a New World.Discussion of ‘putting the complex into the simple': Approaches – discussion of ‘The Lamb' and ‘The Tiger', pages 91 – 101 Songs of Innocence and Experience can be regarded as anti-pastoral: Blake exposes he limitations of a comfortable image of pastoral innocence by 1) redefining the relationship between city and country (Russ in rube – the country in the city); 2) he uses the pastoral as a frame to expose social injustice and human suffering; 3) he uses pastoral images to show true innocence, then subverts these, both in Innocence and Experience, to expose the dark world of adult authority and repression.Blake use pastoral, not to show the contrast between rural and urban, but to expose the injustices of the human condition. Blake was a poet of the city, of London, and his pastoral setting is in the greens, parks and gardens of London.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Causes of Environment

cause of environmental degradation The primary cause of environmental degradation is  human disturbance. The degree of the environmental impact varies with the cause, the habitat, and the plants and animals that inhabit it. ————————————————- Habitat Fragmentation Habitat fragmentation carries long term environmental impacts, some of which can destroy entire ecosystems. An ecosystem is a distinct unit and includes all the living and non-living elements that reside within it. Plants and animals are obvious members, but it will also include other components on which they rely on such as streams, lakes, and soils.Habitats become fragmented when development breaks up solid stretches of land. Examples include roads which may cut through forests or even trails which wind through prairies. While it may not sound all bad on the surface, there are serious consequences. The largest of these consequences are initially felt by specific plant and animal communities, most of which are specialized for their bioregion or require large areas of land to retain a healthy genetic heritage. Area Sensitive Animals Some wildlife species require large stretches of land in order to meet all of their needs for food, habitat, and other resources.These animals are called  area sensitive. When the environment is fragmented, the large patches of habitat no longer exist. It becomes more difficult for the wildlife to get the resources they to survive, possibly becoming threatened or endangered. The environment suffers without the animals that play their role in the food web. Aggressive Plant Life A more critical result of habitat fragmentation is land disturbance. Many weedy plant species, such as garlic mustard and purple loosestrife, are both opportunistic and invasive. A breach in the habitat gives them an opportunity to take hold.These aggressive plants can take over an envir onment, displacing the native flora. The result is habitat with a single dominant plant which doesn't provide adequate food resources for all the wildlife. Entire ecosystems are threatened with extinction, according to the National Resources Defense Council. Effects of Environmental  Degradation One of the greatest challenges facing humanity is environmental degradation, including deforestation, desertification, pollution, and climate change – an issue of increasing concern for the international community.Environmental degradation increases the vulnerability of the societies it affects and contributes to the scarcity of resources. Climate change will lead to an increase in the intensity and frequency of weather extremes, such as heat waves, floods, droughts and tropical cyclones. The people hardest hit by climate change and environmental degradation are those living in the most vulnerable areas, including coastal communities, small island nations, Sub-Saharan Africa and Asi an delta regions. It is the poorest of the poor, who lack the resources to prepare, adapt and rebuild, that are most affected.Environmental degradation can lead to a scarcity of resources, such as water and farmable. Extreme weather events, such as severe flooding, increase the spread of waterborne diseases, such as malaria and diarrhoea. The effects of the major environmental problems on both health and productivity are: a. Water pollution and water scarcity: As per the estimation of UN, more than two million deaths and billions of illnesses a year are attributable to water pollution. Water scarcity compounds these health problems.Productivity is affected by the costs of providing safe water, by constraints on economic activity caused by water shortages, and by the adverse effects of water pollution and shortages on other environmental resources such as, declining fisheries and acquifer depletion leading to irreversible compaction. b. Air pollution: As per the estimation of UN, urb an air pollution is responsible for 300,000—700,000 deaths annually and creates chronic health problems for many more people. Restrictions on vehicles and industrial activity during critical periods affect productivity, as does the effect of acid rain on forests and water bodies. . Solid and hazardous wastes: Diseases are spread by uncollected garbage and blocked drains; the health risks from hazardous wastes are typically more localized, but often acute. Wastes affect productivity through the pollution of groundwater resources. d. Soil degradation: Depleted soils increase the risks of malnutrition for farmers. Productivity losses on tropical soils are estimated to be in the range of 0. 5-1. 5 per cent of GNP, while secondary productivity losses are due to siltation of reservoirs, transportation channels and other hydrologic investments. e.Deforestation: Death and disease can result from the localized flooding caused by deforestation. Loss of sustainable logging potential and of erosion prevention, watershed stability and carbon sequestration provided by forests are among the productivity impacts of deforestation. f. Loss of biodiversity: The extinction of plant and animal species will potentially affect the development of new drugs; it will reduce ecosystem adaptability and lead to the loss of genetic resources. g. Atmospheric changes: Ozone depletion is responsible for perhaps 300,000 additional cases of skin cancer a year and 1. million cases of cataracts. Global warming may lead to increase in the risk of climatic natural disasters. Productivity impacts may include sea-rise damage to coastal investments, regional changes in agricultural productivity and disruption of the marine food chain. Conclusion:  The impact of environmental disasters can be devastating on the social, economic, and environmental systems of a country or region as well as the global ecosystem. Environmental disasters do not recognise man-made borders, and threaten the legacy le ft to future generations of a clean and supportive environment.Because of the interdependency of earth ecosystems international co-operation is paramount to prevent, and when disaster strikes, respond to relieve quickly and effectively the effects of environmental disasters. Thus, Governments, International organizations and communities must work together – at all levels – to lessen the risks associated with environmental degradation and its contributing factors, such as climate change, and ensure that vulnerable people are prepared to survive and adapt. At the same time, companies, organizations and individuals must also ensure that their work is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Similar essay: Disadvantages of Plants Living on Land

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Effect of Budgetary Logistical - Constraints on Manufacturing Strategy Research Paper

Effect of Budgetary Logistical - Constraints on Manufacturing Strategy - Research Paper Example This research paper explains the effects of budgetary logistical/ constraint on the manufacturing strategy. According to Miltenburg (2008), manufacturing strategies are aimed at solving manufacturing problems and assisting the manufacturer in their objective to have a competitive advantage. The budgetary logistical or constraints are expected to have a great influence on the approach the manufacturers would choose to solve manufacturing problems as well as how he chooses to look for a competitive advantage. The research explained by this paper, explain how budgetary constraint or logistical affect the choice of a manufacturing strategy as well as its implementation. This research mainly relies on a secondary source of information as our main information source. Manufacturing strategy is composed of various aspects of a manufacturing process. This strategy is mainly aimed at minimizing the cost of production while not affecting production and product quality. If this is achieved it can increase the revenues of the manufacturers and thus increasing his profits. The most important manufacturing strategy in the today’s competitive business environment is the setup reduction program. The setup reduction program like other manufacturing strategies is mainly aimed at reduction of production costs while maintaining product quality. Though it was not introduced many years ago it has become very popular in the manufacturing industry and it is now greatly used by several manufacturers. Setup reduction program involves a reduction in the expenses incurred in designing a setup for the production process in the manufacturing industry.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Do we still need library Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Do we still need library - Essay Example Library users themselves have developed an appreciation for knowledge as well as information making more adept than their predecessors do. Institutions, particularly academic and medical, and communities have to determine the relevance of libraries given the new age technology that makes it possible to have open access. Such relevance can be determined by identifying what the expectations of the modern-day world are given that the internet platform has wider reach and content especially concerning next generation applications (Watstein and Mitchell 182). Academic libraries are described as the measure of the character and efficiency of universities that is depending on how they are ‘treated’. In a university, a library should have the most complete provision and be maintained properly as it is the most valuable equipment. Every piece of work produced at a university directly depends on a library as the research centre and indirectly a library is useful for educational wo rks. Even with scientific research, a library is needed for gathering of information just as much as the laboratory is needed for data collection. With humanistic research, a library is fundamental as it takes on the purpose of both library and laboratory. The learning process in higher education institutions is dependent on the library tools as the library is second in importance to the lecturers. The library tools refer to a variety of sources of information including journals, books and newspaper articles with scholarly information (Joshi 24). Gonzalez et al compare academic libraries to science laboratories, as they are equally open to experimentation. This means they can remain relevant if businesses and academic institutions embrace innovation concerning service delivery. For instance, the University of Maryland and the College of Information Services collaborated to create the Virtual Business Information Centre that is a website providing single process access to both print and electronic media, as well as guidance in choice of databases, specific and general search strategies, plus links to chat reference and emails. This collaboration is essential, as it is not possible for an academic institution to carry on alone the responsibility of developing along with insuring information literacy proficiency, with its faculty and students. A specialized website makes it possible to have enhanced services as well as save on costs as the need for staff and resources, along with costly parallel systems is eliminated. Albeit, it is crucial to note that innovation can only be relevant in so far as the needs of the users are responded to in a timely and effective manner. The needs of the users can be developed by creating a wider information base that in turn expands their knowledge and makes them want further services (Gonzalez et al 233). Libraries are seen as a tool for enriching knowledge already gained in the classroom by students, where having a structure set aside for this sole purpose becomes integral. At the same time, public libraries are seen as a meeting point for students to convene and share their learning experiences as well as offer each other assistance with regard to research and general gathering of information. More often than not, teachers and lecturers will give out-group assignments and students

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

National Response Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

National Response Plan - Assignment Example as formed, 2005, Hurricane Katrina exposed a number of problems with the National Response Plan including two issues with the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The annex was purposely established to quicken government’s upbeat response to tragic incidents, and set protocols of pre-identifying and urgently deploying essential resources incase such an incident occurs. There are two issues that significantly contributed to the political decision to overlook the implementation of the entire National Response Plan, especially the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The first one was contravenes on the role of Catastrophic Incident Annex. For instance, there were questions on whether the annex had the capability of handling catastrophic incidences of higher magnitudes like hurricane strengthening. The second one was the power and authority assigned to the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The National Response Plan did not clearly draw to what extent the Catastrophic Incident Annex was to be involved in response acceleration. For example, it was not clear whether the Annex was in a position to authorize any legal activities in case of a catastrophic event. These arguments led the public to criticize the credibility of the Annex in responding to terrorist attacks (Jenkins, 2009). In conclusion, this paper gives a clear description of the issues that led to the National Response Plan not to be implemented regardless its comprehensiveness. In this case, the main focus is on the two issues that contributed to a decision not to execute the Catastrophic Incident Annex according to Hurricane

Monday, August 26, 2019

Speech Analysis. First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt Essay

Speech Analysis. First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt - Essay Example Winning his first election campaign and outrunning his opponent Herbert Hoover Roosevelt has given a traditional oath to office after which the famous speech was performed. Above the traditional live audience consisted from something about 15 thousands of people newly president’s speech was heard on the radio by supposedly 10 million people all across the United States of America. It was crafted by Raymond Moley who was Roosevelt’s ally during the New Deal reforms. Speech lasted 20 minutes and itself is one of the best examples of spoken word in the 20th century. The incredible resemblance and significance of this speech depends greatly on the historical circumstances and general situation of the America which was deeply disintegrated and collapsed by The Great Depression. It is a classic example of how the times of historical, political or economic crisis bring the uprising of a strong, powerful and great leader. It was Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, Founding Fathers during the Revolution and it was Franklin Roosevelt, the only president so honorable to rule America for 13 years. Thirteen trouble years during which Mr. Roosevelt has defeated Depression and fought Nazi Third Reich, Fascist Italians and Japanese all for the prosperity of his own compatriots and the freedom of other countries suffering from tyranny and oppression (Coker 35). Being one of the most spectacular and influent presidents and not only a great politician but also a man of justice Mr. Roosevelt also made it worth to give a significant speech which preceded all hi s further noble achievements.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Image Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Image Analysis - Essay Example The society he represented became known and understood through some of his famous works (Jackson 79). It made them, as people, proud to know they had representation in the form of an artist. This paper will examine one photograph by Carlos Bernal, and the concept behind the image. It was after receiving funding from the Mexican American Legal Defence that prompted Carlos to follow the path of photography. He had the experience after joining the faculty at the college and developed the institution’s photograph program. This funding enabled Carlos and a few other faculty members, to explore the possibility of bringing out the subculture of society through photography. In the following photograph, Carlos decided to capture the Martinez brothers in a candy store. Through such photographs, he brought out the family ties, and the life they led. This was the spiritual and cultural journey Carlos set out to achieve with the belief of making everyone understand the nature of a subcultu re (Kaplan 165). Analysis of the image Images people see in photographs often have a consistent and recurrent structure (Debroise 176). This is based on the standards of the camera setting, and how it may be placed. In the image of the Martinez brothers, Carlos decided to take the picture while behind a glass frame. He did this so as to capture some of the products that the candy store also had to offer. By putting these two together, the audience gets to understand the closeness of the family relations, and ties to this economic activity. Carlos often tied his subjects to material possessions in order to capture a way of life. Photographs that have the ability to do this often bring out more than just colour and imagery into the mind of the audience. He understands the innovation of having his subjects in a photograph surrounding themselves with treasured possessions. Many at times, this further leads to a superior understanding of the subjects (Debroise 187). One can respect the s ubjects based on the things that surround them, hence; one might try to find a deeper meaning to the image presented. In the Martinez photograph, the two children appear oblivious of the photographer’s intention. This means that their emotions are displayed genuinely. He did not have to tell them to smile for the camera or pretend to do anything. Such works often depict the subject’s emotions and what they are thinking. His technical expertise is seen in the way he brings out the candy’s bright colours. The audience may be drawn to the candy, but not too much because; they might lose focus of the primary objective. The clothes, the Martinez brothers wore showed of the daily attire the subculture wore during daily life. It is such unawareness displayed by the brothers that brings out the daily life of the subculture. In most subcultures, the mode of dressing is an enormous aspect because it brings out how individuals chose to live their lives, and how they prefer to relate to each other (Debroise 216). The image’s compositional design brings out the colour of their clothes perfectly. In his subsequent images, one gets to see the evolution of the sub-culture’s mode of dressing. In the image, the audience gets to see of the age difference that exists between the two brothers. It is through such imagery that Carlos brought out the distinct way of life of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Political Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political Order - Essay Example As per the political principle of Nietzsche, every individual is equal and tends to follow a moral perfectionist approach (Lemm, 2007). Conversely, the other philosopher John Rawls in response to the theory of Nietzsche initiated â€Å"A Theory of Justice†, which elaborates individual rights and liberty (Iowa State University Department of Economics, n.d.). Furthermore, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant’s Principle of Ethical Leadership is duly considered to be the other important dimension in the political order, which values respect, justice, honesty and ethical altruism (Monahan, 2012). Contextually, a British philosopher named John Stuart Mill developed the theory of liberty, which possesses the capability of forming a dynamic political order (Ogunkoya, 2011). It will be vital to mention that the above discussed theories or principles are of great significance and value in the modern political scenario. The essay intends to explore different theories formulated by varied philosophers about the significant concern of political order. An argumentative viewpoint will be presented in this essay determining the creation of political order and its purpose as per the theories laid down by dissimilar philosophers namely Nietzsche, Rawls, Kant and Mill. The effective way of determining the importance of the theories propounded by the philosophers is executing and applying the same in real-world situations. As per the respective theories propounded by the aforesaid philosophers, it can be ascertained that Nietzsche believed in morality and the concept of perfectionist. The idea of perfectionism is not prudent in political situations, as it denotes that human good and morale leads to a better political ruler. This view of moral perfectionism was argued by Rawls wherein, the American philosopher stated that the notion of moral perfectionism is elitist and does not consider forming appropriate political culture in a democratic

Customer Service Excellence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Customer Service Excellence - Essay Example Then when the organisations realised the fact that the sales pattern followed by them did not correspond with the consumer needs, then the need for a separate marketing department was realise. It can thus be named as the marketing department era. Next came the marketing company era when the need of organisations to focus on its customers to achieve its goals was realised. Hence, customer is given the highest priority in any of the marketing activities followed by the organisations. Customer Relationship Marketing Relationship is vital to the marketing process and the companies are now focussed on relationship marketing which helps to create, maintain and build a strong long term relationship with the stakeholders of the company including its customers (Palmatier, 2008). The area of relationship marketing has been an area of focus for the last few years. Relationship marketing mainly puts emphasis on the retention of customers rather than acquiring new customers. It heavily stresses o n the process of customer satisfaction and gives less importance to sales transactions. Relationship marketing, to a large extent, differs from that of the traditional forms of marketing. Relationship marketing mainly gauges the importance of long term relationship with a customer. Some of the eminent scholars identified that practicing relationship marking will help the company to convert a normal customer into a loyal customer. The loyalty factor in turn offers the company with new sales opportunities through repeat purchase (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1986, p. 234-235). Importance of Customer Service Customer service can be considered as the relationship that an organisation develops with its consumers or customers. It includes the provision of... The facts and analysis presented in this report suggest that most of the business organisations in this modern era are customer oriented. Any company which is market oriented is found to focus on all their business activities keeping the customers at the centre. The business activities are performed in such a way that it corresponds to the specific needs and wants of the customers. This process leads to the increased satisfactions for the customers and once the customer becomes happy it can be expected that they would continue their relationship with the organisation and would like to have the same product in future. This increases the customer trust and loyalty and helps the organisations to have a sustainable growth in future. Concept of marketing is not new and it has evolved through various stages. This paper makes a conclusion that the companies are now focused on finding products for the customers and not finding customers for the products offered by them. Technological advancements are also having a significant impact on the ways in which customer services are provided by the organisations. Technology has helped to provide customer service in a timely manner and the companies can now provide greater satisfaction to their customers. All these facts suggest that customer service is the most important aspect for any business organisation in order to ensure its profitable and sustainable growth in future.